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Xythero : And that's why teenagers shouldn't wear underwear. Wait, let me rephrase that. B just easily manipulated by disingenuous authors who see fit to put stories about Jeff Epstein and Victoria's Secret together in the same article as if they have anything to do with one another, knowing full well that they don't? C too damn lazy to read past the articles headline? D all of the above. D all of the above I just assumed they were making a reference to RWNJ's calling everything "grooming" these days.
Ganon D. Mire : cretinbob: everyone targets teenagers on everything because they are impressionable and have the most disposable income Many teenagers don't have disposable income yet However, it is vital to drill a brand into their brains now, Works every farkin time too.
I wish people were more complex. They're not. Mire: cretinbob: everyone targets teenagers on everything because they are impressionable and have the most disposable income Many teenagers don't have disposable income yet However, it is vital to drill a brand into their brains now, I had loads of disposable income as a teenager when I worked at a gas station.
I lived at home, got meals and clothes All my income was disposable. I worked at a grocery store. Grown women know that although very nice to look at they are waaaaaaaay over priced and once the novelty of wearing such clothes wears off you could care less about the brand name and being comfortable is far more important than trying to look good for a horn dog who won't remember what you looked like the next day anyways.
I recently had to take Marketing for my minor. I wanted to laugh at the idea of ethics in marketing which is actually a concept. Submit a Link ». Try Ads-Free Fark. Forgot password? Turn on javascript or enable it for Fark for a better user experience. If you can read this, either the style sheet didn't load or you have an older browser that doesn't support style sheets.
Try clearing your browser cache and refreshing the page. View Voting Results: Smartest and Funniest. Oldest « 1 2 » Newest Show all. And that's why teenagers shouldn't wear underwear. No different from cereal, candy, fast food and toy companies' TV commercials targeting kids since the s.
So is subby: A a disingenuous attention whore that knows that retailing clothes to teens isn't the same as human trafficking and pedophilia? I thought this was widely understood when they switched their mascot to Joe Cameltoe. Victoria's Secret is actually their loss "prevention" is a joke and that's why their stuff costs so much.
What's it called when you got some young kids preparing to be photographed and videoed for some television commercial for shoes at Walmart, but before they begin they're in chairs, and some French fashionistas are busy making their hair is just perfect for the second spot That's grooming, right?
I thought it was the norm in Western society to advertise that being fit and sexy could get you further in life than wits and talent alone. Besides, VS has had declining sales over the past 25 years as retail is dying and the obesity epidemic has given way to fat acceptance. What, you want random curlies poking out of whatever 1" square of poorly made Chinese cloth is passing as one of their panties on the catwalk?
I have teenagers, and they sure as hell won't groom themselves. Another Government Employee. Expensive lingerie is fancy gift wrap. The Victoria's Secret training bras should have been a tip off.
I'm grooming my penis as we speak. D all of the above Someone had their coffee. Gordon Bennett. Teenage me was glued to the Victoria's Secret catalog growing up.
But somehow the pages were always glued together. Never been in one Never knew they had a barber shop in there as well. Mine went to gas, grass, and ass. Ok, it mostly went to gas Off my lawn! And stop stealing my Victoria's Secret catalog from the mailbox! Warrior Kermit. Try to keep up. Kids today have a lot more freedom than that. The only people I see going in the Victorias Secret in the mall near me are teenager girls So I guess that left quite an impression.
Wexner was at the minimum an enabler. And he was one of many for Epsteins rape rampage of children. Epstein also had a federal prosecutor produce an "agreement of non-prosecution" giving him immunity for years as he continued to rape children with impunity.
Everyone involved, political background or connections should be investigated, prosecuted publicly, and sent to prison if guilty. My wife has an Adore Me subscription that we love. A few months ago, I was in a position to ask a pro stripper about AM and she said everything she ever tried was poorly made. She swore by VS as what she used at work every night. I've never had a complaint about the Adore Me, but ours probably don't get as much use as hers. No normally I dont help people make the world worse but I'm helping a friend get her business going so I'll take the job.
It doesnt jive with the radical side of stuff I sell so I have had to load up the line "Well, money makes whores of us all, doesnt it padre? VS used to sell some very nice quality items back in the 90s before they started carrying all the extreme padded, push-up crap that is painful as hell. I bought some excellent underwire racer-back front-close 36C bras with no padding that my 22yr. Now all VS products are marketed towards making girls who aren't fully-developed look like they're 36DD when the young-looking models advertising their bras max out at a C cup.
Some of the more prominent VS Angels are actually as small as 32A. It's kinda sick and deceitful IMHO. This thread is closed to new comments. If you like these links, you'll love Come check out what's behind the curtain. Support Fark. Sign up for the Fark NotNewsletter! Headlines of the Month Fark NotNewsletter. Follow Fark On Twitter. Javascript is required to view headlines in widget. Also on Fark Main Huh Can Madison Rayne topple Jade Cargill? Will anyone make a surprise return tonight?
In other news, they have a Hispanic outreach program lawandcrime. Victoria's Secret groomed teenagers thedailybeast. Report If you like these links, you'll love Come check out what's behind the curtain.
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Windows 10 home pro fark free
Pocket Ninja : The best life hack to improve your life is to simply cut from it, decisively, people who use the term "life hack. I live in an area with a lot of older people and have become I helped a woman today solve problems with a door and about 5 windows because "the handle is broken. Sometimes humidity can cause wood to swell and change some curvature of some frame ever so slightly. That was not the problem. People need to keep dust and sand out of the rollers and rails that open windows and doors these days.
Lack of knowledge leads to lack of maintenance leads to simple problems becoming big ones. So I cleaned things up, applied some silicone spray, and moved on. She thinks I am a genius and I just tell her that these are all devices, and usually people can figure them out by observation.
She looked at me like I am from Mars. DIY has never been easier, and the need for it has never been greater. The people who know how to do stuff are getting old fast. I help younger people in the area too, when asked, in the hopes that they can take over some day.
Tr0mBoNe : Pocket Ninja: The best life hack to improve your life is to simply cut from it, decisively, people who use the term "life hack. The low hanging fruits of fixing garbage disposals and unclogging toilets were picked long ago. Opening a wine bottle with a knife, ripping a banana in half, and 10 uses for old lemons were so What is left?
Pretty much "how to fart in a jar and make , dollars doing it" is where we are now. Eventually all such sites become Yahoo! IndyJohn : Tr0mBoNe: Pocket Ninja: The best life hack to improve your life is to simply cut from it, decisively, people who use the term "life hack.
Also verbing nouns in general. Theeng : 2fardownthread: Call it whatever Over the past few decades we've switched to focusing on learning facts by rote memory over critical thinking pretty much in totality. Don't blame the young when they don't know what was never taught. IndyJohn : Theeng: 2fardownthread: Call it whatever Exactly the opposite - our educational system has been moving away from rote learning over at least the last 30 years. Stuff works better when you maintain it.
Are you proud of being a sociopath? If you check the batteries in your smoke detector then you wont die when you have a fire. I can preform these and many other tasks in your home for the low low price of bucks a visit.
Jack of All Games : Pocket Ninja: The best life hack to improve your life is to simply cut from it, decisively, people who use the term "life hack. ChrisDe : Take the top of the unit off, if possible, and flush debris out, not in. Works for my cottonwood mess. No wonder I hear about people's insane summer power bills, while mine only bumps up a smidge. Dress for summer, dry out and cool off the air a little bit, and be done with it.
Tr0mBoNe : Most life hacks are pretty basic. Too bad we're not all born with this as some sort of genetic knowledge and have to learn it throughout our lives. Submit a Link ».
Try Ads-Free Fark. Forgot password? Turn on javascript or enable it for Fark for a better user experience. If you can read this, either the style sheet didn't load or you have an older browser that doesn't support style sheets. Try clearing your browser cache and refreshing the page. View Voting Results: Smartest and Funniest. Oldest « 1 2 3 4 » Newest Show all. Most life hacks are pretty basic.
Pocket Ninja. There's nothing wrong with having to learn new things that are, essentially, common sense to a lot of other people. For every bit of knowledge that exists, there is the first time you learned it. The problem is when people start believing that they've discovered some amazing new fact and believe that learning this basic bit of knowledge is further proof of their own cleverness, uniqueness, and wit.
The bigger problem is when mercenary hacks write articles encouraging this sort of belief system. The best life hack to improve your life is to simply cut from it, decisively, people who use the term "life hack.
Call it whatever Unfortunately a lot of people failed here. Wait til he finds out about furnace filters. Instructables, Pinterest, YouTube, To be fair, the sites have evolved. When the "lawn care experts" decide that blowing leaves and debris onto the AC outside every week, you wonder what the life hack is, and whether it means getting life for hacking the guy with the leaf blower. I need to replace my filter and hose off my outdoor unit. It's a good reminder. Haven't done the filter cause I afraid to open my attic door.
Screw water, they should fill the AC with raspberry Slushie. Way colder than water and the air would taste good. If you change the air filters in your house, your AC works better. It sounds like the submitter grew up with air conditioning. Bully for the submitter. I moved out within a year of my parents getting central air. They didn't maintain anything because they knew they would be transferred the minute they performed any household maintenance. This information will be useful to me.
Also verbing nouns in general And also nouning verbs e. It's good advice, I knew it but some people surely won't. I'm glad that subby was born with all the knowledge he'd need throughout their life, but other folks have to actually learn stuff throughout their lives.
And not everyone gets lucky enough to have a supportive, constructive home life when they're growing into adulthood where their parents teach them basic modern life skills like this. I basically raised myself from middle school on, was paying rent and living on my own by the time I was 17 - there wasn't anyone teaching me how to maintain a home or vehicle.
I learned early on to be resourceful, so I learned a lot of it myself, but I'm sure there's still gaps in my knowledge. I can't be the only one, my generation is famous for being feral. Ragin' Asian. This is like the story a few months ago where someone found the crumb tray in their toaster and acted like they discovered nuclear fusion. Also verbing nouns in general "Influencers". Any use of this word in any context should warrant execution over ostracization.
Exactly the opposite - our educational system has been moving away from rote learning over at least the last 30 years Spoken as someone who went through the educational system in the last 30 years I must've missed that, because what I saw was teachers being pushed to have their students do well on standardized tests like TCAP or Accelerated Reader programs.
Thank You Black Jesus! Lumber Jack Off. Chief Superintendent Lookout. Calling everything a 'hack' is stupid. Then again, we're turning Idiocracy into fact from fiction. One day there will be an instant source of the world's information available right at everyone's fingertips. Then adults will be able to find out things that I knew at That might be a legit business model Take the top of the unit off, if possible, and flush debris out, not in.
Wine Sipping Elitist. One of the top comments highlights the cognitive dissonance of this hack: " Me being surprised it's waterproof even though it's literally outside. Jack of All Games. Unacceptable Eh, assume she was using it ironically and add a funny. When I hear someone say "adulting" I interpret it to mean they are filming an adult video.
WTP 2. I am an old guy trying to live in California on just Social Security, so I am pretty poor. I have had to repair stuff my whole life.
It's not rocket science. It is having the patience to learn something new.
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